Indoor Plant 室内植物
Outdoor Plant 戶外植物
Orchid 蘭花
Garden Accessory 園藝配件
Planter 花盆
About Us 關於我們
No matter an indoor or outdoor urban garden you are creating,
We believe you can make something beautiful and functional there.
Garden Twist Tie 30 Meter - 園藝扭結30米
Leaf Cutting Scissors 大葉剪
Organic Fertilizer (Vegetable & Herbs) 有機菜肥 (蔬菜和香菜)
Insect Repellent Spray - 600ML 植物殺蟲噴霧
Flortis Leafshine Spray 750ML Flortis葉面光亮劑(比利時)
Professional Plant Spray 2L 專業植物噴壺
Professional Plant Spray 1.2L 專業植物噴壺
Natural Insect Repellent (Chili Water) - 500ML 天然植物殺蟲水(辣椒水)
Watering Can 1.8L 淋水壺
Watering Can 3.5L 淋水壺
Watering Can 1.5L 淋水壺
Succulent Watering Bottle 多肉澆水瓶
Fish Emulsion - 海藻漁肥
Perlite - One Big Bag 珍珠岩
Miracle-Gro® (For Orchid) 250ML - 美樂棵蘭花濃縮營養液
Miracle-Gro® (General All Purpose) - 美樂棵通用型濃縮營養液
Miracle-Gro® Organic All Purpose Concentrated Liquid - 美樂棵通用型家庭園藝有機營養液
Miracle-Gro® Acid-Loving Plant Food - 美樂棵喜酸植物濃縮營養液
Miracle-Gro@ Gardening Glove - 美樂棵園藝手套
Osmocote Pro-Slow Release Fertilizer (One Bottle 250ML) Osmocote專業緩釋肥(一瓶250ML)
Premium Peat Moss - 20L 優質泥炭土
Pond Soil - 5KG 塘泥
High Quality Sphagnum Moss 水苔
Coco Peat/ Coco Coir Brick - 椰磚
Black Pebbles - 6KG 黑色鵝卵石
White Pebbles - 20KG 白色鵝卵石
Mixed Pebble - 6KG 混合雨花石
Mixed Polished Pebble - 4KG 混合抛光雨花石
Yellow Polished Pebble - 4KG 混合抛光雨花石
Yellow Pebble - 6KG 黃色雨花石
Yellow Polished Pebble - 40KG 混合抛光雨花石
Black Polished Pebble - 45KG 黑色抛光雨花石
Mixed Polished Pebble - 45KG 混合抛光雨花石
White Polished Pebble - 45KG 白色抛光雨花石
Black Polished Pebble - 4KG 黑色抛光雨花石
White Polished Pebble - 4KG 白色抛光雨花石
Black Pebbles - 20KG 黑色鵝卵石
White Pebbles - 6KG 白色鵝卵石
Ceramist (Clay Ball) - 陶粒
Root Hormone Liquid - 生根水
Plant Label 植物標籤牌
Mulch - 樹皮
Big Mulch 25L- 大樹皮
Premium Potting Soil for (Cactus & Succulents) - 翠筠靚土(仙人掌和多肉植物專用) - 1.5L or 6L
Cactus & Succulents Soil 10L - 優土仙人掌多肉植物培養土
Professional Cactus & Succulent Soil (Japan) - 2 Litre 日本多肉植物專用培育土
Miracle-Gro® Hydrangea Soil 8L 美樂果綉球花專用泥
Premium Potting Soil - 80 Litre 翠筠靚土
3 in 1 Soil Detector - 3合1土壤檢測儀
Professional Seed Sowing Soil - 50 Litre 專業播種土 50L
Premium Potting Soil (For Vegetables and Fruits) - 6L & 25L 翠筠靚土(蔬果專用) - 6升和25升
Premium Potting Soil - 25 Litre 翠筠靚土
Peng Long Potting Soil - 26 Litre 鵬龍培養土
Currency Cultivate Soil - 26 Litre 培養土