Indoor Plant 室内植物
Outdoor Plant 戶外植物
Garden Accessory 園藝配件
CNY 新年
Planter 花盆
About Us 關於我們
All of our plants are carefully selected to be sure healthy and beautiful.
Big Orchids x8 (Multiple Colors) - 大蝴蝶蘭8菖(多種顏色)
Big Orchids x6 (Multiple Colors) - 大蝴蝶蘭6菖(多種顏色)
Big Orchids x5 (Multiple Colors) - 大蝴蝶蘭5菖(多種顏色)
Golden Ficus Microcarpa (Multiple Layers) 金葉榕(多層葉子)
Monstera (w. Style) 網紅龜背葉
Cornucopia (For Table) 聚寶盆
Three-Level Radermachera Hainanensis Merr 三層綠寶樹
Two-Level Radermachera Hainanensis Merr 兩層綠寶樹
Bush Shape Radermachera Hainanensis Merr 綠寶樹(灌木形)
Ficus Benghalensi 孟加拉榕
Big Croton Petra (w. Style) 造型大灑金
Ficus Altissima 高山榕
Tall Grey Terracotta Planter (With Pattern) 高灰色赤陶土花盆(有花紋)
Tall Terracotta Planter (With Pattern) 高赤陶土花盆(有花紋)
Terracotta Planter (With Pattern) 赤陶土花盆(有花紋)
Fittonia Albivenis 網紋草
Large Lucky Bamboo Braided Cage 大富貴竹
Multi-Stem Big Cactus (4-5 stems) 多柱大仙人掌(4-5柱)
Schefflera (w. Simple Style) 簡約造型鵝掌藤
Coconut Palm Tree 椰子樹
Rubber Plant (w. Style) 造型橡樹
One-Stem Dracaena Arborea 單柱也門鉄
Small Monstera (For Table) 小龜背竹芋
Small Plastic Rectangular Planter (Rattan) 小塑料長方形盆(編藤圖案)
Wooden Fence With Anchors 木籬笆(帶錨)
Currency Cultivate Soil 26 Litre - 花神培養土
Medium One-Stem Cactus (For Floor) 中型單柱仙人掌
Large-Size Plastic Rectangular Planter (Grid Style) 大尺寸塑料長方形盆(格仔圖案)
Wooden Fence 木籬笆
Wooden Picket Fence Window Box/Flower Box 木柵欄窗框/花箱
Dried Moss 乾苔蘚
Chrysal Leafshine Aerosol 750ML Chrysal葉面光亮劑
High-quality Plastic Rectangular Planter 高質量塑料長方形盆
Ficus Microcarpa 'Ginseng‘ Bonsai 人森榕盆景
Short Wooden Fence 短木籬笆
Expandable Bamboo Trellis 可伸縮竹格