Please note:
The pictures above are for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
- Hydrocleys Nymphoides is good to be outdoors under full sun condition
- Aquatic plants; can be grown in ponds
- Flowering period from Jun to Dec; yellow flowers
請注意 -上面的圖片只供參考。請以最後收到的實物為准。
- 水金英適合在室外有全日照的環境種植
- 水生植物,可以在池塘種植
- 花期為6月至12月,開黃色花
Hydrocleys Nymphoides (Water Poppy) 水金英
- Hydrocleys Nymphoides is around 20-25cm height
- Price can be chosen to be with original plastic pot.
- 水金英大約20-25cm高
- 價格可選擇原來植物的塑膠盆。