Please note:
The pictures above are for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
- Cuphea needs to be under half fun and full sun conditions in outdoors.
- Hardy flowering plant, easy to take care of.
- Two Sizes -
- 1. Small Size - Around 20-30cm tall, and around 25-30cm wide.
- 2. Big Size - Around 50-60cm tall, and around 50-70cm wide.
請注意 -上面的圖片只供參考。請以最後收到的實物為准。
- 滿天星可以在室内和室外環境全日照和半日照下生長。
- 易打理開花植物。
- 兩個尺寸 -
- 1.小尺寸 - 大約20-30cm高,25-30cm左右寬。
- 2. 大尺寸 - 大約60cm高,70cm 左右寬。
Cuphea 滿天星
- Product comes with an original plastic pot.
- 產品會配有一個原有的塑膠盆。