Please note:
The pictures above are for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
- A naturally occurring, granular clay-like mineral used as soil for bonsai trees and other container-grown plants.
- It is surface-mined, immediately sifted and bagged.
- Can be used alone or mixed in as an amendment to other soil substrates such as lava rock, pumice, stone, peat moss, bark, etc.
- Components include silicon dioxide SiO2 42.7%, calcium oxide CaO 0.98%, magnesium oxide MgO 2.5%, manganese oxide MnO 0.15%, iron oxide Fe2O3 8.4% and aluminium oxide Al2O3 25.1%.
- It has a pH of 6.5 to 6.8, meaning it tends to be slightly acidic.
Benefits :
- Good ability to retain water and nutrients while still providing porosity and free drainage
- Being the best material for growing bonsai. It can also be used for other plants that grow inside containers such as cacti and succulents that require good drainage.
- A root growth stimulator, promoting the general growth of the plant.
請注意 -上面的圖片只供參考。請以最後收到的實物為准。
- 一種天然存在的粒狀粘土狀礦物,用作盆景樹和其他容器種植植物的土壤。
- 它是露天開採的,立即篩選並裝袋。 可單獨使用或混合作為其他土壤基質的改良劑,如熔岩、浮石、石頭、泥炭蘚、樹皮等。
- 成分為二氧化矽SiO2 42.7%、氧化鈣CaO 0.98%、氧化鎂MgO 2.5%、氧化錳MnO 0.15%、氧化鐵Fe2O3 8.4%、氧化鋁Al2O3 25.1%。
- PH 值為 6.5 至 6.8,這表示它呈現弱酸性。
- 具有良好的保留水份和養份的能力,同時可以提供孔隙度和自由排水。
- 是種植盆景的最佳材料。也可用於生長在容器內的其他植物,例如需要良好排水的仙人掌和多肉植物。
- 根部生長刺激劑,促進植物的整體生長。
Akadama Soil 14L - 赤玉土14升
- Specification: Around 9KG-10KG per bag
- Size: 14L
- Made in Japan
- 規格:大約9-10公斤每包
- 尺寸:14升
- 日本製造
Please prepare 2 - 3 hours buffer time for the delivery in case of any delay due to traffic jams.
- Delivery to door services (no stairs/ have lift & free parking):
- We will arrange a delivery company to get all your plants delivered to your doorstep;
- Quotes of the delivery